Saturday, February 4, 2012

Interesting relationship between Marxism and Feminism

One of the prompts for the first writing assignment caught my mind the moment I saw it (not that I am writing an essay for that prompt). It was the first one, which asks to explain why the relationship between Marxism and Feminism. It says that the two terms' relationship is like a marriage. After reading the Second Wave book, I realized that there relationship is called 'marriage' because when the two marry, they become one. In the process of uniting into a single thing, one item often dominates the concepts of the other. In this case, "Marxism subsumes the feminist struggle into the "larger" struggle against capital,"
(Hartmann 97). Marxists are mainly concerned about class struggles and they give no more concerns to Feminists than that feminists struggle due to class division. The Marxists are sex-blind, not taking in the fact that women struggle partly due to their gender.
Marxism and Feminism are similar in that both discuss struggles. However, feminists are more concerned of relationships between men and women. In the past and even today (though it may sound controversial), men and women are given different roles by the society. Men usually work outside to earn money for the family. Nowadays, men earn 'family wage', enough money to support all their family members, and money is followed by power. Women usually work inside their homes, doing house chores and taking care of their children. In my opinion, women's roles are as important as those of men, if not more important. However, since women do not actually earn wages from doing such work, from a Marxist's view, women are not making any profits, so their roles are seen as insignificant. In this case, too, Marxism dominates feminism by making women's work insignificant. That works of Marxism receive more consideration from the world than those of Feminism may also suggest why Marxism is the dominant one, and feminism just integrates into Marxism.

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